Sandy Sommerhalder
Medizinisches Sekretariat
Sandy decided to become a vegetarian almost 30 years ago after language studies in the USA and France and has remained so to this day. At the same time, after a recurring illness could not be cured by conventional medicine, she turned to complementary treatments. The success was so convincing that she kept this way and also raised her children vegetarian, unvaccinated and biomedically. Due to her affinity for languages, she is mainly responsible for the arrangement of in-patient stays for foreign patients at the BioMed Center Sonnenberg. However, she also supports the doctors on a daily basis in all matters concerning the patients. She also answers questions and makes appointments on the phone and at the reception desk.
"It was a real stroke of luck for me that I got the chance to gain a foothold in biological medicine as a medical secretary a few years ago. I consider it a privilege to be able to witness everyday how the patients in the BioMed Center Sonnenberg are being heard, understood and supported by the doctors in the healing process".
Career and education
Commercial employee EFZ
Family manager
Atlas centering