The various biological infusions are administered directly into the body via the venous system. The biologically active ingredient can reach directly the place where it takes effect – without a “detour” over the gastrointestinal tract. The possible irritations of the gastrointestinal tract can be avoided by the application of the biologically active ingredients via the circulatory system.
The numerous kinds of infusions are the basis of a treatment protocol matched to the clinical picture of the illness.
Kinds of infusions we work with:
- Curcuma
- Infusions with isopathic and bio-regulatory ingredients
- Vitamin C (high dosage)
The individual infusion therapy has a versatile spectrum of efficacy and is applied for acute and chronic illnesses.
- Chronic inflammations
- Chronic and acute infections
- Rheumatic illnesses
- Cancer
- Neurological disorders
- Exhaustion and chronic tiredness