AD(H)D Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder


Characteristic for ADHD are the following three main symptoms:

  • Hyperactivity (excessive urge to move)
  • Inattentiveness (impaired ability to concentrate)
  • Impulsive behavior (unconsidered actions), disorders of attentiveness and suffer from motoric restlessness.

In the meantime, it has become the most common psychological disorder of children and youths. It is believed to affect ca. 3 to 6 percent of all children and youths, about half of them are treated with methylphenidate which is an amphetamine. ADHD is often associated with other psychiatric disorders such as depression, borderline disorder, autism, bipolar disorder etc. One does not “grow out” of ADHD as was previously thought. Just over 10 years ago adults had to fight for this disease to be recognized.


The conventional medicine has not been able to identify the root cause up to today. They believe it is mainly inherited. But what is inherited? It is, as a general rule, a disorder of the detoxification metabolism or of the stress reducing enzymes which are either inherited or are newly developed. In previous times these did not necessarily lead to behavioral disorders or other symptoms. Today, however, we have unfortunately a significant environmental load and additionally less nutrients in our food. Therefore, people with a genetic change in these enzymes are doubly, negatively affected and become conspicuous. Studies show that the blood from the umbilical cord of mothers whose diet is organic vegan based contains environmental pollutants (ca. minimum 80 different compounds), and from mothers whose diet is “normal” even more are detected (ca. 180, out of ca. 2010). In 2019 a study was published which reported that 95 % of all 3 – 5 year old children had so called xenoestrogens in their urine.


Do we really have to wonder about behavioral disorders and an increase in chronic illnesses in childhood or in old age?